Mindful Morning - Maths Challenge
Students enjoyed taking part in Maths Challenge Week where they were set three different practical tasks.
Firstly, the challenge was to build the tallest, freestanding marshmallow tower. Students only had 12 marshmallows each and had to accurately use a ruler to measure the height. The challenge champion of the marshmallow tower was Cole with an amazing height of 14.5cm!
The second task was to make a paper plane out of a single tissue and see who could make it fly the furthest. This was a tricky challenge, but we saw some inventive designs where students were really thinking about the shape and style of their plane. The eventual winner was Brad who managed to make his plane fly across the whole of the Willow Room!
Finally, students were tasked to build the strongest bridge out of spaghetti, using different objects for weights. Students had to plan carefully to ensure that the spaghetti didn’t snap and that it was able to balance the objects on top. Leah managed to create a bridge that was so strong it was able to support the weight of a radio. Well done Leah!