On the Wednesday 10th July 2019 Hope High school celebrated the end of term and the fantastic achievements of our students in the past academic year with a summer BBQ and Progress Afternoon with parents, carer, local businesses and community social enterprise groups.
It has been a very successful academic year for the staff and pupils of Hope High School; the majority of our pupils have made rapid and sustained progress across the core curriculum; also the Key Stage 4 pupils have successfully completed examinations, coursework and work placements earning vocational qualifications.
We hosted various activities including inflatable assault course, games and competitions. We will be made and sold cakes and the pupils were invited to join in ruby, school of military games and a water games battle.
The fantastic BBQ food was prepared by Mr Burrows our school business manager. Then we invited parents and carers into the hall to discuss pupils’ progress with tutors, teachers and key workers.
The turn out was amazing and our wonderful pupils and staff did us proud!
Summer BBQ 2019