Our Curriculum Vision

It is the intention of Hope High School that all pupils experience a broad and balanced curriculum, tailored to their EHCP, in which they thrive through quality first teaching and small class sizes.  Pupils follow the National Curriculum and have access to GCSE, BTEC and other appropriate qualifications in preparation for learning for life. 

Pupils are supported with adaptive teaching strategies including sensory breaks, pastoral intervention, and the school's cultural capital pledge.

The dynamic curriculum offer allows pupils to receive a range of support and scaffolding, as and when the situation arises, with constant review and evaluation which is adaptable to the daily individual needs of each child.  This is under constant review and evaluation.

Teaching assistant support in class allows for personalised learning, in addition to academic interventions.  Hope High commissions a specialist teacher and a Speech and Language Therapist who work alongside intervention and teaching staff, ensuring that appropriate targets are set and reviewed.  Some pupils will begin their academic curriculum journey with an initial focus on securing core skills and will access Thrive, SALT and Nurture support as appropriate.

Our Unique and Dynamic Provision

The school also provides an SEMH curriculum that includes a range of therapeutic activities, including mental health support.  Pupils will follow these elements alongside their core and creative curriculum subjects.

Pupils with barriers to learning receive nurture and sensory support, experiencing Life Skills intervention in preparation for Learning for Life. These pupils have a core literacy and numeracy focus (including phonics) where appropriate.

For some pupils, we meet their complex needs through our unique Aspire provision.  This is a multi-functional, educational approach which provides bespoke daily academic and therapeutic interventions.  Our aim is to support the social, sensory and communication needs of our most vulnerable pupils, whilst ensuring future academic success. Our Aspire provision is dynamic and bespoke: pupil progress is continually reviewed.  Provision within Aspire is regularly adapted or pupils can access other elements of the whole school provision, when able.

Some pupils at Hope High School have access to approved alternative provision at sites across Lancashire to gain a range of interpersonal skills in addition to core and vocational qualifications.

In exceptional circumstances, a student may access academic subjects via external tutoring or the school's off-site team. These students follow the National Curriculum with access to GCSE and BTEC qualifications, Functional skills and Step Up Programmes as appropriate.  As with other academic pathways, this is reviewed regularly.  

All our pupils participate in a unique educational journey to develop knowledge and academic skills. In addition, the development of social and independent skills helps maximise attainment and best possible outcomes.

Please click here to find out more about our Dynamic curriculum

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