Hope High School Interventions

Interventions are designed to provide targeted and intense support.  Intervention is bespoke and personalised to meet the diverse needs of our pupils.  We offer a wide and varied intervention programme.  These can include: academic, nurture, speech, language and communication skills, Thrive and Animal Therapy.  The needs of the pupils are integral to the design of the intervention programme.

Detailed on entry assessments are carried out with all new starters.  A varied range of assessments are used, and these are analysed in conjunction with EHCPs and transition information.  This is reviewed termly through our Pupil Passports and informal discussions with staff through the mechanisms in place within the structure of the school.

In addition to all of the above, we have ‘Pupil Spotlight Meetings’ to ensure links are made between their different learning needs.  This also enables staff to share good practice and to identify next steps. 

Academic Interventions

Therapeutic Interventions

Sensory Needs

All the children in our setting come with a range of sensory needs, we therefore have a wide range of sensory resources available to ensure we can meet the needs of all the children in our setting.

These are stated and reviewed on EHC plans, Annual reviews and within pupil passports.  Communication of these needs is everyone's responsibility, led by the Schools Senco.

We meet pupils sensory needs in a variety of ways, some of which are listed below:-

  • Sensory Garden
  • Physical activity (Sport/outside/walk)
  • Sensory Circuits
  • Sensory Breaks
  • Safe Spaces
  • Regulation
  • Movement
  • Blankets / Pillows
  • Toys / fidget items
  • Chairs
  • Lighting
  • Thrive
  • Sensory Centres (Twinkle House)

This is not an exhaustive list.  All pupils are different and have tailored sensory support.

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