English Curriculum

The English Curriculum at Hope High School aims to equip students with essential language skills and a deep appreciation for literature.

We strive to ensure that pupils can read easily, fluently, and with good comprehension, while also fostering a habit of reading widely and regularly, both for enjoyment and learning. Students will develop a broad vocabulary, a solid grasp of grammar, and an understanding of linguistic conventions across reading, writing, and speaking.

They will also gain an appreciation for our rich and diverse literary heritage. Additionally, students will learn to write clearly, accurately, and coherently, adapting their style and language for various purposes, contexts, and audiences. The program emphasises the importance of discussion as a learning tool, encouraging pupils to clearly express their ideas and understanding.

Finally, we aim to develop students' competency in speaking and listening, enabling them to participate in debates, make formal presentations, and engage confidently in discussions.

Please click here to access the Curriculum plan for English

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