Careers Education at Hope High School

Our vision – To educate, advise and inform our pupils of ALL pathways that will lead them to employment.

To deliver a broad and balanced careers program that will raise the aspirations of our pupils and develop employability skills so they can be positive members of our society and our future workforce.

School’s Careers Lead

Matthew Davison is the School’s Careers Lead. Matthew has experience supporting young people with Special Educational Needs to engage with education, employment and training as they transition from Key Stage 4 to Post 16 study. Matthew’s role is to continue developing and maintaining the existing strong links across the community to help improve pupil opportunities and outcomes.

Matthew can be contacted on and 01695721066.

Career North Ltd

Career North Ltd are committed to providing high quality careers information, advice and guidance (IAG) to foster independence and resilience in students by way of personal guidance ‘Career Conversations’, which are underpinned by coaching principles. Career North pride themselves on raising the profile of careers in school through the delivery of assemblies and attendance at parent and careers events, which they have developed to promote the careers support available to students. This has been highly effective in encouraging tutor and self-referral. A key aspect of Career North’s delivery is avoiding a blanket approach to personal guidance, and understanding that IAG is more impactful and effective when it is timely and delivered upon request and/or referral.

Marisa however, targets personal guidance to Year 11 students primarily and then all students are scheduled for one-to-one appointments prior to their Annual Review in School.

Career North has worked hard to expand delivery methods and we have had immense success with blended approaches to careers support and guidance delivery through remote channels. For example, in addition to our regular attendance at School, Career North have developed the following resources and services to be available to staff, students and parents/guardians, in order to support the students’ career planning journeys:

  1. Narrated PowerPoint presentations available for teacher use, covering topics such as choosing GCSE subjects, finding apprenticeships & post-16/18 options
  2. 16 Career North bite-sized videos
  3. 12 Career North webinars on the most sought-after topics
  4. Top Tips Toolkit handout
  5. Remote provision of personal guidance, including out of hours, via Teams 
  6. Support with Green Careers Week, National Apprenticeship week, Careers Fayre, Parents evenings/Events 
  7. Visits and targeted support to ‘off-site’ educated students 
  8. Career North support with work Experience Opportunities

Pupils are provided with ample support from school staff and are offered impartial careers advise from Marisa Sixsmith from Career North.

What are the Gatsby benchmarks?

The eight benchmarks are a framework for good career guidance developed to support schools and based on best practice from across the world.

Careers Policy, Links and Related Documents

Careers in the Curriculum

Careers Policy

Careers Programme

Career North Autumn CEIAG Report 2024-25

Career North Spring CEIAG Report 2024

Gatsby - SEN Joint Statement

Gatsby - Using the Gatsby Benchmarks for students with SEND

Gatsby - Gatsby Benchmark toolkit – SEND

Gatsby - Gatsby Benchmarks

Lancashire Skills and Employment Hub - Evidence Based

Lancashire LMI

National Apprenticeship Week 2025

Provider Access Policy Statement

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