Lancashire Children and Young People Trust

Lancashire's Prevention and Early Help Strategy is to secure a county-wide approach within which all partners co-ordinate, prioritise and maximise their collective efforts to enable children, young people and families to achieve success, resist stress, manage change and uncertainty, and make safe decisions about their future.

The service offer for all age groups will be based around five key areas of outcomes:

a) Children and young people are safe and protected from harm
b) Children, young people and their families are resilient, aspirational and have the knowledge, capability and capacity to deal with wider factors which affect their health and wellbeing, life chances and economic wellbeing
c) Children, young people and families are helped to live healthy lifestyles, engage in positive social activities and make healthy choices
d) Children, young people and families health is protected from major incidents and other threats, whilst reducing health inequalities
e) Those in more disadvantaged communities, the number of children, young people and families living with preventable ill health and dying prematurely is reduced

Visit their website at



Child and adolescent mental health disorders are surprisingly common. They affect 10-20% of children and young people - with the most recent UK figure indicating that 10% of 5-16 year olds had a diagnosed mental health disorder (figure from the Office for National Statistics [ONS]).

Hope High School works closely with CAMHs to ensure our pupils have access to on going support with diagnoses, medical checks,support during EHCP reviews, support meeting EHCP outcomes and when necessary referrals. provides information about all of the above areas of difficulty - and within each area we provide a list of support groups and organisations, links to online and downloadable information sheets, a list of recommended books for reading as well as a comprehensive list of other related links to other websites.

Visit their website at




    Child Action Northwest

Child Action Northwest has a portfolio of services designed to support children and young people, families and communities.They provide comprehensive and diverse services based entirely on individual needs. As a result, they can help to strengthen children and young people, families and communities so that they can lead positive, healthy and meaningful lives.

Targeted Early Support and Specialist Services (TESSS) – Provide a range of services in the community to support children, young people and families in partnership with a number of organisations including Schools, Youth Offending Teams, Local Authority Children’s Services, Health and the Police

Care & Accommodation – Provide Foster Care and Supported Lodgings placements for children and young people who are unable to live within their own family network and support contact arrangements for children whose families are separating.

Visit their website at



Lancashire Youth Offending Team


Hope High school is currently working with LYOT early help and prevent team to support pupils and families at risk of criminal exploitation. Evidence shows that working with young people in their local communities is most likely to bring about long-term changes for the better. Supporting pupils in understanding how to keep themselves safe through developing strategies they can use independently and in their own localities have a greater chance of success.




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